Peer Reviewed Publications
- Tate, R., Taylor, C., & Aird, V. (2013). Applying empirical methods in clinical practice. Introducing the model for Assessing treatment Effect (MATE). Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, Volume 28, Number 2, pgs 77- 88.
- Taylor, C., Aird, V., Power, E., Davies, E., Madelaine, C., McCarry, A & Ballard, K.(2012). Objective measurement of dysarthric speech following traumatic brain injury: an application of acoustic analysis. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech Language Pathology, Volume 14, Number 3.
- Tate, R., Aird, V., and Taylor, C. (2012). Bringing single-case methodology into the clinic to enhance evidence-based practice. Brain Impairment, Volume 13, Number 3, pgs 347 – 359.
- Tate, R., Aird, V. & Taylor, C. (2012). Using single-case methodology to treat social-pragmatic communication disorders in McDonald, Togher and Code (Eds), Social and Communication disorders following traumatic brain injury (2nd edition). Psychology press.
- Mason, C., Nickels, L., McDonald, B., Moses, M., Makin, K., and Taylor, C. (2011). Treatment of word retrieval impairments in aphasia: Evaluation of a self-administered home program using personally chosen words. Aphasiology, Volume 25, Number 2. Pgs 245 – 268.
- Cheryl Soo, Robyn L. Tate, Vanessa Aird, Jeanine Allaous, Stuart Browne, Belinda Carr, Carissa Coulston, Louise Diffley, Joseph Gurka, Jill Hummell (2010). Validity and Responsiveness of the Care and Needs Scale for Assessing Support Needs After Traumatic Brain Injury . Archives of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation, Volume 91, June pp905-912.
- Taylor, C., Aird,V., Tate, R., & Lammi, M. (2007). Sequence of recovery during the course of emergence from the minimally conscious state. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 88, 25 – 52.
- Soo, Cheryl PhD; Tate, Robyn PhD; Hopman, Kate BAppSc (Occ Therapy); Forman, Marcella MA; Secheny, Tanya BAppSc (Occ Therapy); Aird, Vanessa BAppSc (Speech Path); Browne, Stuart MD; Coulston, Carissa PhD (2007) Reliability of the Care and Needs Scale for Assessing Support Needs After Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, Volume 22(5), September/October 2007, p 288–295.
- Togher, L., Taylor C., Aird, V., & Grant, S. (2006). The impact of varied speaker role and communication partner on the communication interactions of a person with traumatic brain injury: a single case study using systemic functional linguistics. Brain Impairment, Volume 7(3), p.190 – 201.
- Lammi, M., Smith, V., Tate, R., & Taylor, C. (2005). The minimally conscious state and recovery potential: a follow-up study 2-5 years after traumatic brain injury. Archives of Physical medicine and Rehabilitation, Volume 86: 746 – 754.
- Crofts, B., Nickels, L., Makin, K., Taylor, C. & Moses, M. (2004). A comparison of the effectiveness of ‘semantic’ and ‘phonological’ tasks in the facilitation of word production in aphasia. In Murdoch, B. E., Goozee, J., Whelan, B.M. and Docking, K. (eds) Proceedings of the 26th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics. International Assocaition of Logopedics and Phoniatrics.
- Makin, K., Crofts, B., Nickels, L., Taylor, C. & Moses, M. (2004). Can the effects of facilitation predict the effects of treatment? In Murdoch, B. E., Goozee, J., Whelan, B.M. and Docking, K. (eds) Proceedings of the 26th World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics.. International Assocaition of Logopedics and Phoniatrics.
- Makin, K. McDonald, B., Nickels., Taylor, C. & Moses, M. (2004). The Facilitation of Word production in Aphasia. What can it do for the clinician? ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing (ACQ), Volume 6(2), p. 90 – 92.
- Balandin, S., Hemsley, B., Sigafoos J., Green V.. Forbes, R., Taylor, C. & Parmenter, T (2002). Communicating with Nurses: the experiences of 10 individuals with an acquired severe communication impairment, Brain Impairment, Volume 2 (2) pg 109 – 118.
- Hemsley, B. Sigafoos, J., Balandin, S. Forbes, R., Taylor, C., Green, V., Parmenter, T. (2001). Nursing the patient with severe communication impairment. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Volume 35 (6), 827 –835.
- Hemsley, B., Balandin, S., Sigafoos, J., Green. V., Forbes, R, Taylor, C. & Parmenter, T.(2001). Communication Experiences of Nurses and individuals who have a severe communication impairment. Speech Pathology Australia National Conference Proceedings, May.
- Taylor, C. & Bradd, P. (200l). Allied Health Workplace structures: mapping the current status. Speech Pathology Australia National Conference proceedings, May.
- Smith, V. H., Taylor, C.. M., Lammi, M. H. & Tate, R. L. (2001). Recovery profiles of cognitive-sensory modalities in patients in the minimally conscious state following traumatic brain injury. Brain Impairment, May.
- Wallace, C. & Staples, M. (1998). Joining Forces. Helping the client to help themselves: an illustrative case example, Australian Communication Quarterly (Winter Edition).
Peer Reviewed Published Abstracts
- Wakim, D., Tate, R., Lannin, N., Pfaff, A. & Taylor, C. (2010). There is more to the Functional Independence Measure than meets the eye: A critical analysis of FIM administration procedures. (Abstract). Brain Impairment, 11 (1), p. 53.
- Tate, R., Lannin, N., Taylor, C., Pfaff, A., Wakim, D., David, P., Coward, B. & Whitty, C. (2010). The Functional Independence Measure for People with Traumatic Brain Injury: How good is the cognitive scale for measuring neuropsychological impairments? (Abstract). Brain Impairment, 11 (1), p. 53.
- Tate, R., Taylor, C., Aird, V. and McCarry, A. (2010). Evaluating Clinical Practice and developing a new model. (Abstract). Brain Impairment, 11 (1) p. 80.
- Mason, C., Nickels, L., McDonald, B., Moses, M., Makin, K. and Taylor, C., (2008) A Home Based treatment program for word retrieval impairments. (Abstract) Brain Impairment, 9 (3). p. 309.
- McDonald, B., Makin, K., Nickels, L., Moses, M. and Taylor, C. (2006). Does Repetition improve word retrieval in speakers with aphasia? (Abstract). Brain Impairment. Special edition, Neurogenic Communication Disorders 7 (3).
- Taylor, C., Aird,V., Tate, R., & Lammi, M. (2006). Defining emergence from the minimally conscious state. (Abstract). Brain Impairment, 7 (1), p.59.
- Lammi, M., Smith, V., Taylor, C. & Tate, R. (2005). Outcomes from the minimally conscious state following traumatic brain injury. (Abstract). Brain Impairment.
- Smith, V., Togher, L. & Taylor, C. (2004). The effect of discourse genre on communication opportunity in individuals with cognitive-communication impairment following traumatic brain injury (Abstract). Brain Impairment.
- Taylor, C., Smith, V., Lammi, M., & Tate, R. (2003). Seeing eye-to-eye: perspectives of outcome from the minimally conscious state (Abstract). Brain Impairment ,4 (1), p.81.
- Nickels, L., Makin, K., Crofts, B., Moses, M. & Taylor, C. (2002). Can assessment predict facilitation outcomes for people with word- finding difficulties?(Abstract). 10th International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference, Brisbane. Brain Impairment, 3 (2), 159 – 160.
- Lammi, M., Smith, V., Taylor, C. & Tate, R. (2002). Functional, Cognitve and Psychosocial outcomes from the Minimally Conscious State After Traumatic Brain Injury (Abstract). Brain Impairment 3 (1). p 74.
- Wallace, C., Smith, V., Lammi, M & Tate, R. (2000), Assessment of the minimally responsive client following traumatic brain injury (Abstract). Brain Impairment (first edition).